A Grown Up's Gap Year
Author. Nature-Based Wellbeing. Travel & Lifestyle Writer. Nutritionist. Mid-Life Reinvigoration Guide.
When Monique, wife and mum, traded her role as Chief Problem Solver for a one-way ticket to adventure, she discovered that mid-life isn’t a crisis – it’s an opportunity.
Her new book, A Grown Up’s Gap Year (The Guidebook for Mid Lifestyle. Wellbeing. Adventure. Chic) – is pioneering a movement for mid-life women seeking reinvigoration, adventure, and joy.
While most of us dream of running off and leaving the husband, kids, and a packed life behind, Monique actually did it.
At 54, she set off in search, of her life – much to the surprise of her husband, two sons, and mum. Now, she’s helping other women do the same.
‘Forget seizing the day, I seized the lot!’ laughs Monique. ‘I put my foot down and built a high fence around my boundaries. I encourage other women to do the same – find space for themselves. A Grown Up’s Gap Year is the guidebook I wish I had when I floundered. If we decide to take centre stage in our own lives, for a change, this can be such an exhilarating time of life.’
Listen to Monique’s Guest Appearance on the ABC Brisbane Drive Show with Ellen Fanning.
A Grown Up's Gap Year Guidebook

Lunch Ideas For Building a Great Mid-Life Nutrition Foundation
Mid-life nutrition is ever more important. Not only are we trying to juggle careers, families, and personal well-being, but we also need to ensure that we’re giving our bodies the fuel they need to keep going

Putting Yourself in the Picture: A Guide to Mid-Life Wellbeing
As I discovered during my A Grown Up’s Gap Year, putting yourself back in the picture isn’t a luxury – it’s essential for your mid-life wellbeing.

Rediscovering Joy: How Mid-Life Adventure Can Transform Your Wellbeing
A Grown Up’s Gap Year explores how you embracing mid-life adventure, wellness, with a side order of ‘navel gazing’…mid-life adventure as it were!
A Grown Up's Gap Year Podcast
Introducing the Grown Up’s Gap Year Podcast – a series of interviews.
Women (& a few blokes) Doing Inspiring Things in Fascinating Places.
The sorts of journeys (physical & internal) that are courageous, creative, and totally joyful. Women who have designed a life that suits them – their path may offer possibilities for your options you may never have considered.
A Grown Up’s Gap Year Travel & Wellbeing
In 2009, Monique van Tulder launched a lifestyle blog from her kitchen (departing travel management to care for her boys). It’s grown since then. As a wellbeing mentor, travel writer, nutritionist and movement trainer, Monique has you covered. Helping you design your mid-life magic.
If you are a slow traveller, seek a sense of wellbeing, looking for a side order of adventure, come from a place of curiosity, love ‘Retreats’ that actually restore, and tips from chic women who know the local secrets – you are in the right place.

Lunch Ideas For Building a Great Mid-Life Nutrition Foundation
Mid-life nutrition is ever more important. Not only are we trying to juggle careers, families, and personal well-being, but we also need to ensure that we’re giving our bodies the fuel they need to keep going

Putting Yourself in the Picture: A Guide to Mid-Life Wellbeing
As I discovered during my A Grown Up’s Gap Year, putting yourself back in the picture isn’t a luxury – it’s essential for your mid-life wellbeing.

Rediscovering Joy: How Mid-Life Adventure Can Transform Your Wellbeing
A Grown Up’s Gap Year explores how you embracing mid-life adventure, wellness, with a side order of ‘navel gazing’…mid-life adventure as it were!
Join A Grown Up's Gap Year conversations
Get a Free copy of the mid-life reinvigoration Ebook
When I hit mid-life I was in for a rude shock. I found myself at the top of everyone’s ‘people we need’ pyramid, & the bottom of my own. An ‘Eat Pray Runaway’ moment – left a still unanswered question.
What to do with my second- act of life?
I’ve jotted down a few ideas in the attached eBook – a starting point.