Monique Van Tulder

A Grown Up's Gap Year™ | Wellbeing. Travel. Chic Locals.

The Country Women’s Association Recipes

ON OCCASION I rather fancy myself as The Urban CWA (Country Women’s Association) Mum.

I love their Cookbooks because efficiency is always the key.  Who has the luxury to faff about in the kitchen…

Those country girls certainly don’t.

I like to bake a cake in next to no time.  Turn leftovers into quick meals.
I don’t necessarily plan ahead but I do have a good store of basics.  In the pantry, fridge and freezer.

I confess, I do not really stick to a budget for the weekly food shop.  I have a vague idea of what it costs to feed the family; it is increasing exponentially.  As the boys grow so too does their appetite.

Today I take advantage of the wonderful quality and well-priced fruit currently available in Sydney.  They’re easy ideas – you could even get the kids to help if you can be bothered cleaning the extra mess.  The Eldest gets hold of the handheld blender, and I am left with ceiling decorations Pro Hart would be proud of…

As with most things, if you are pressed for time – do it yourself…


Slice fruit too soft to enjoy fresh. Simmer until tender. I do not add water as I prefer a syrupy consistency; I do however add a little sugar before cooking. You could also sprinkle spices as well if you prefer.

Delicious with Greek Yoghurt and nuts for Breakfast.




Simmered whole in water until extremely soft (about 1 hour).  Blend when cool and store in bags (two oranges per bag).  Freeze for use in Claudia Roden’s Orange CakeRecipe here;

Summer Fruit recipes

Claudia Roden’s Orange Cake

(prepare the oranges ahead of time)


  • 2 Oranges
  • 6 Eggs
  • 250 g (8.8oz) Ground almonds
  • 250 g (8.8oz) Sugar
  • 1 tspBaking powder
  • 1 Splodge of butter and sprinkling of flour for the cake tin


  1. Wash and boil the oranges unpeeled, in water to cover for 1 1/2 hours or until they are very soft. Let them cool, then cut them open, remove the pips and turn them into a puree in a food processor.
  2. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly and pour into a buttered and floured cake tin with a removable base if possible.
  3. Bake in a preheated moderately hot 190ºC oven for about 1 hour. If it is still very wet leave it in the oven for a little longer. Cool in the tin before turning out.


Slice soft fruit.  Store in freezer bags.  Brilliant in the deep of winter, when the cold makes you feel you are as far from summer as you can be.

Defrost and swirl through cream to pile on a Pavlova, or dollop on natural yogurt.  Use as the fruit component of a steamed pudding.  Or toss in the blender, add some coconut water and make a Smoothie.

Summer Fruit recipes

 What are your favourite Summer Fruit recipes?

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