KITSCH OR KEEPER? Holiday souvenirs (purchased whilst in the moment) rarely translate once back home.
Unless you want to end up with a car boot full of charity shop offerings (less holiday memories and more holiday horror) – strength and strategy must be applied.
An unfortunate incident five years ago at Amsterdam Airport; involving too much luggage, a broken suitcase zip and the payment of a small fortune of excess baggage had me vowing vigilance in future trip purchases. Past indiscretions include: piles of sarongs, fake ‘designer bags’, a ‘genuine ‘guitar for my youngest son that warped within a week of purchase, and a vintage moth eaten Cashmere coat. The latter I had to wear home on the aircraft due to the above baggage issue. The coat that looked so stylish when I purchased it from a little out of the way stall at Portobello Market didn’t feel so fabulous during the seven hour transit in Dubai – with temperatures at 40 degrees!
Now, my rule is five of the best allowed home from each trip.
These are the latest from my trip to India. I think I did quite well…

What have you bought that you regret when you unpack at home?
What goodies have you bought on holidays that have stood the test of time?